ESSEX Police say “no offence has been identified” as they respond to the attempted kidnapping claims in south Essex.

Actor Billy Murray posted a video on social media warning families after an incident involving his daughter and grandchildren in Orsett.

He claimed that while his daughter was out on a walk with her partner and children, an Audi blocked her path.

READ MORE >> Billy Murray: 'Eastern European gang tried to kidnap my grandchildren' in south Essex

Murray then said the driver got out of the car and began talking to her.

He then claimed the others in the car, who all allegedly sounded eastern European, got out and went over to his grandchildren.

His daughter’s partner noticed this and shouted at the children to run.

Mr Murray said: “They were going to kidnap my grandchildren.”

In response to the incident, and concerns raised on social media, Essex Police say “no offences have been identified but the call has been noted for intelligence purposes”.

A spokesman for Essex Police said: “We received a call shortly after 12.35pm on Sunday 9 April reporting concerns about an incident from around 3.30pm the previous day (Saturday 8 April).

“The caller reported three men – described as being in their mid-20s to mid-30s all with short dark hair, one wearing a leather jacket and another wearing a cap – in a black Audi A5 had engaged her in conversation as she crossed the road in The Green, Orsett.

“It was reported a door of the car opened but it wasn’t reported to us that anyone got out.

“The caller stated her partner approached the vehicle and it drove off.

“No physical contact between any of those involved, or attempts at physical contact, was reported.

“No further information about the car was disclosed.

“Based on the information provided no offences have been identified but the call has been noted for intelligence purposes.

“We know the public will be concerned by a video circulating online relating to this incident and high visibility patrols are taking place in the area.

“We are urging the public to remain vigilant and report any concerns or suspicious activity to us.

“If you have any information or concerns you can report them via our online reporting services: 

“Please quote incident 474 of 9 April.”