Police have been searching for weapons and patrolling notorious Southend tower blocks today in a crackdown on antisocial behaviour.

Police officers from Southend's community team have been patrolling Queensway and Barringtons tower blocks with community safety officers today.

Officers have patrolled the floors, stairwells and outside areas of the blocks and conducted a weapons sweep in a crackdown on anti-social behaviour.

Police also spoke to residents about the issues within the towerblocks which Essex Police say they are working with partner agencies to resolve.

Echo: Police officer outside one of the tower blocksPolice officer outside one of the tower blocks (Image: Essex Police)

An Essex Police spokesman said: "Patrols will continue to deter anti-social behaviour in the towerblocks."

Weapons sweeps are routine or targeted searches for any items that could be used to cause harm, including knifes and guns but also makeshift weapons.

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The four Queensway Estate towers, built in the 1960s, have long been plagued by crime, anti-social behaviour and drug taking.

Essex Police have been conducting regular patrols of the blocks residents of the 16-storey Pennines block previously told the Echo the presence of officers scares away troublemakers.