SOUTHEND’S Special Constables got stuck into a busy night of policing, attending to a range of incidents over the course of one evening.

On Saturday, some of Essex Police’s Special Constables in Southend assisted on a late shift.

The jobs they attended varied from two welfare checks to arrests for driving while under the influence of drugs.

In fact, drug offences kept the team busy as the motorist was also arrested for possessing class A drugs, while another was arrested under suspicion of possessing class B drugs with intent to supply and vehicle theft.

Echo: Essex Police crest Picture: PA ARCHIVE IMAGES/Ian Nicholson

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The volunteer police officers also attended a high risk missing person incident, dealt with one nuisance incident, and attended the scene of a road traffic collision, among other things.

An Essex Police spokesperson said: “On Saturday night some of our Special Constables did another 'takeover' assisting on a late turn. It was an extremely busy shift.

“A big thank you for giving up your time to assist.”

If you’re interested in volunteering for Essex Police, a recruitment event is taking place on Wednesday, June 21 at 6.30pm at Essex Police’s headquarters in Chelmsford.

For more information and to book a place at the event visit