Invictus Games gold medallist and former Strictly Come Dancing star, JJ Chalmers, has begun a search for Southend's most influential individuals.

In celebration of the National Lottery's 30th birthday, JJ aims to identify 30 people who have utilised the National Lottery's funding for extraordinary deeds in the past 30 years.

Of the residents of Southend, 1,024 have received a portion of the £45,652,679 awarded for arts, heritage, sport, and community projects since November 19, 1994.

JJ Chalmers said: "During my own recovery journey and involvement with the Invictus Games, I have encountered countless unsung heroes who work tirelessly to improve the lives of people around them.

"If you know somebody who has done something amazing with National Lottery funding over the last 30 years, then please take the time to nominate them as a National Lottery Game Changer."

Nominations can be made on the Lottery Good Causes website at until June 17.