Police have thanked residents for "ignoring the disinformation" after counter protesters gathered in response to rumours of a planned "far-right demonstration" in Westcliff.

A large police presence was visible in Hamlet Court Road last night after posts circulated on social media claiming a demonstration was planned in the town that evening.

However, fears of violent disorder were quashed as police say at no stage did officers assess the situation as close to escalation.

A group of anti-racism counter protesters gathered in the road shortly after 7pm, and a second group consisting of a small number of people arrived in the area after 8.30pm. Both groups engaged with officers and no offences were committed, Essex Police says.

Following last night's events, Assistant Chief Constable Andy Mariner said: “Last night passed off peacefully after disinformation online failed to encourage disorder.

“I want to say thank you to our communities across the county for their response.

“Where people did gather, they do so peacefully.

“I also want to thank you for ignoring the disinformation that went around. Some of the details including around locations were just plain false.

“We continue to have a visible presence on our seafronts, on our roads, and in our towns, cities, and villages.

“And anyone trying to commit crime will be arrested.”

Across the country, thousands of peaceful anti-racism demonstrators took to the streets in response to the threat of more than 100 planned protests.

In London, more than 1,000 officers were deployed and counter-protests in Walthamstow and Finchley passed “without major incident or disruption”.

ACC Mariner added: “There continues to be disinformation circulating online about this issue, and many other things.

“And our ask to you is to question what you see. Who’s it from? What’s their motive? Can you trust them?

“If not, don’t listen to them.”