A FORMER policeman can’t believe Essex Police won’t investigate after his partner’s car was towed away illegally by a clamper whose licence has been suspended.

Trevor May, 47, is furious the “theft” is not being considered as a crime, and says he will lodge an official complaint with the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

His partner Jan Seal, 44, was left standing in the cold, crying, with her foster son, ten, after her Kia Sportage was taken away after she parked in a private car park in Websters Way, Rayleigh, at about 5pm last Thursday.

The next day, Mr May discovered the LBS employee whose name was on the receipt, Edward Lapenna, had his licence suspended by regulators the Security Industry Authority on December 20 – three days before the clamping. According to the clamping authority’s website, it is a criminal offence to act as a vehicle immobiliser without a valid authority licence.

After Mr May contacted LBS demanding the car be returned, Mrs Seal’s car was left undamaged at the Brook Road Industrial Estate, Rayleigh, where LBS is thought to have a pound.

Having collected the car, the couple complained to the police on Friday morning, but were unhappy with the response.

Mr May, an ex-police officer, said: “This guy’s licence had expired, so it’s an absolute crime.

“It’s theft of a motor vehicle. But the guys at the police station didn’t seem interested in the slightest. They couldn’t even be bothered to contact the Security Industry Authority about it.

“If police don’t investigate this crime, it’s dereliction of duty.”

Mr May of Hillview Road, Rayleigh, said he will lodge a complaint about the lack of police action with the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

He has also complained about LBS on the security authority’s website.

Mrs Seal fell foul of the notorious firm on the day it told the Echo it had ceased trading.

She made a 15-minute trip to a chemists in Eastwood Road, and claimed she parked in the rightful space for customers, which had no LBS warning sign.

When she told the clampers she could not afford the £618 release fee, the vehicle was towed away.

An Essex Police spokesman said LBS returned the car because it was not parked in one of its spaces when it had clamped it.

He said: “As far as we are aware, there was no theft.

“The car was clamped in error, but later returned when the mistake was realised.

“We realise Companies House and other agencies are making inquiries into this company.”

LBS did not respond to the Echo.

*HAVE YOU BEEN CLAMPED BY LBS SINCE DECEMBER 20? Please contact the Echo by emailing jon.austin@nqe.com and john.geoghegan@nqe.com.