A DEVASTATED businesswoman is shutting up shop after being hit with a £500-a-year rent rise.

Kim Heudebourck, 50, who runs Tickled Pink, in Wickford High Street, says after 11 years of working for herself, she now faces the daunting prospect of having to apply for jobs.

Concerns have also been raised in the town about having another empty shop in the High Street, with one councillor claiming the area was now being saturated with nail bars, beauty salons and takeaways.

Ms Heudebourck was told, just a fortnight ago, her rent would rise and she has since been selling off stock.

She said: “I originally rented the building from the Children’s Society, but it told me at Christmas it didn’t want to carry on with the lease.

“I had to apply to the new landlord, who I’ve been trying to get hold of since Christmas. Then two weeks ago he told me he wanted to put up the rent.

“If he’d told me that at Christmas, I would have started selling all the stock off.

“It’s hundreds of pounds and I just can’t afford it, so I’m selling all the stock.

“It’s very upsetting as I liked being in Wickford and after 11 years of working for myself, I’m now going to have to start applying for jobs.”

Michael Mowe, Tory councillor for Wickford North, said he was disappointed by the loss of another shop.

He added: “If another shop becomes vacant in Wickford, people will stop coming here.

“It’s so convenient to have such a nice card and gift shop in the town for people who can’t get around.”

Nigel Le Gresley, Ukip councillor for Wickford Castledon, hit out at the landlords.

He said: “This is just greed on the part of the landlord. There are not enough shops like Tickled Pink in Wickford.

“It’s full of takeaways, hair salons and nail bars and people shouldboycott whateverbusiness now comes to these premises.”

Nick Watson, of the shop’s letting agent Pearl & Coutts, insisted he had tried to negotiate with Ms Heudebourck, who previously ran a shop in Rochford.

Mr Watson said: “Ms Heudebourck was offered a new lease two weeks ago at £14,500 per annum, an increase of £500 per annum.

“I visited her earlier this week and in an attempt to reach agreement with her I offered to renew her lease at the same level she is currently paying and giving her increased flexibility.

“She has rejected the latest offer and decided to vacate.I am sorry to lose a good tenant.”