PUBLIC-SPIRITED youngsters have been making the most of the sunshine by doing their bit to help clean up Southend.

Southend Youth Council members carried out a clean-up of Priory Park as part of the Love Southend, Hate Litter campaign, which is backed by the Echo.

The youngsters spent the day clearing rubbish and making the park more attractive for its many visitors.

The clean-up also aimed to help show young people in a more positive light to the community.

The youth council, which has been running since 1951, is open to anyone in the borough aged between 13 and 19 and serves as a voice for the borough’s teenagers.

Derek Jarvis, Southend councillor responsible for culture and tourism, said: “The youth council, as a whole is always trying to improve aspects of Southend.

“This is only the beginning of many different ways in which it will be making a difference.

“It does a fantastic job with each task they take on and I’m sure they will continue to do so.”

The youth council is already planning its next events, including an inter-generation knitting event, which will produce blankets for a charity.