A hi-tech rebuilding of the Southend bus station probably seemed like a good idea at the time.

Sadly, to date the new centre is showing every sign of white elephantiasis.

Funding for the scheme was heavily based on the expectation of revenue from the new shop and restaurant units. Yet for whatever reason, businesses seem reluctant to take on these units.

It may, of course, have something to do with the idea that a meal in a bus shelter is not everyone's idea of a great night out.

While it is easy to be wise after the event, the Echo has repeatedly warned of the dangers when councils get carried away by the apparent glamour of wholesale redevelopment schemes.

The new centre is now left stranded, stuck in phase one, unable to operate to full capacity. Instead of a Southend showpiece, its role is as a warning to local authorities everywhere.

The old bus station worked well enough, in tandem with the York Road Market. The area looked faded and scruffy, but it had one advantage.

It was financially self-supporting. At a time of crisis in Southend Council's budget, it wasn't a further drain.