At last, the travellers' activities have been exposed, thanks to the brilliant investigations by the Echo.

Perhaps now, the authorities will act on such damning evidence and evict these travellers.

Thousands of couples are striving to get on the housing ladder, with very little chance, mainly because they are honest and depend on the money they earn to raise a deposit.

Others, it seems, can simply select a plot, set up home there and defy the authorities to move them. We should show them we have laws that must be obeyed.

A certain Mr Stein certainly has egg on his face.

Reg Chatting
Crouch Street
Noak Bridge

...Your readers' letters are making be concerned about my health. You see, every time I see the claptrap printed under the name Aubrey Stein, my blood pressure boils.

Mr Stein - if you are a home owner who has scrimped and saved to buy a property, you should put your money where your mouth is, sell up and move next to an unauthorised traveller site.

I am sure anyone residing in Oak Road, Crays Hill or similar locations - having worked all their lives to buy a property, only to see its value depleted and their home rendered unsaleable - would be only too willing to sell you their property. You should act on your principles, or shut up!

Dennis Swaysland
Beauchamps Drive