When are people going to stop moaning about global warming and start making the best of the situation?

Having watched the recent BBC documentary which predicts a Mediter-ranean climate for the UK within 40 years, it strikes me that this country has more to gain from climate change than it will lose.

While the traditional holiday destinations of Spain, Portugal, etc, will become too hot for comfort we will get the kind of reliable hot summers our tourist industry can at present only dream of.

The amount of money both coming in from increased tourism and staying in this country due to more people holidaying at home will generate jobs and prosperity for millions.

Our farmers will benefit too. Olives, grapes, almonds, kiwi fruit will all become familiar sights in the countryside instead of the drab, uninspiring turnips and swede we have today.

Let's look on the bright side and think what we're saying goodbye to - cold, wet bank holidays spent trying to make the best of it as you sit shivering under your umbrella trying to eat that picnic you spent so long preparing, and hello to Costa del Southend. Christmas dinner on the beach anyone?

Marc Newfield
Tennyson Avenue