A planned second march through Walthamstow by the English Defence League (EDL) has been condemned.

The far-right grouup has announced its intention to protest against a perceived "Islamification" in the UK on May 9.

EDL had originally planned to march in Woolwich, where Fusilier Lee Rigby was killed by extremists almost two years ago.

But the group has now moved the march to Walthamstow following reports of a complaint by Fuslier Rigby's mother, Lyn.

There were a number arrests when the EDL marched along Forest Road in 2012, as a counter demonstration took place.

There was widespread criticism of the event three years ago, with claims it was an attempt to divide the community, and this has been repeated since the latest announcement.

Walthamstow MP Stella Creasy said: “Angry to hear the EDL thinking of coming back to Walthamstow - am very clear they are not welcome here and that's a view held by people across our community regardless of faith, nationality, age or political belief.

“Not on our watch will their racist and divisive dogma be allowed to damage Walthamstow's good name.”
Canon Steven Saxby, of St Barnabas Church in Walthamstow, echoed these sentiments.

He said: “I will stand with anyone against the EDL. 

"I don't go with ‘we are all mixed-race’ though. The melting pot theory is so late.

“Let's properly celebrate our diversity not some lame notion that we are all the same.

“We do not need to be the same to enjoy one another. Appreciating that is what sets us apart from the EDL. No pasaran.”



A static demonstration was held in Hoe Street, Walthamstow in 2012 when the EDL came to the borough

Conservative candidate for Walthamstow, Molly Samuel-Leport, said: “In my opinion this march has been organised with the aim of causing disharmony, hate and tension.

“Walthamstow is a diverse and unified community that welcomes people from all cultures and faiths. EDL is not welcome in our constituency.”