A teenager was left with a boot mark imprinted on his face after thugs stamped on his head during a brutal underpass robbery.

Reece Ward, 19, was walking through the underpass in South Wash Road, Noak Bridge, when four men ran at him from behind and punched him to the floor.

The thugs kicked him in the head and chest as he lay on the ground.

Mr Ward offered them his mobile phone, but they refused and carried on the brutal attack before stealing his keys and headphones.

The teenager, who plays for Basildon Football Club, based in Gardiners Close, has been left with swelling, and cuts and bruises to his face and ribs.

His girlfriend’s sister Georgina Saunders, 24, of Martindale Avenue, Basildon, said: “He fell to the floor in the hope they wouldn’t carry on, but they kicked the living daylights out of him.

“He managed to ring my sister and my mum who came to get him and they found him lying on the grass verge. His clothes were wet and he was shaking and crying.”

Reece, from Basildon, was taken to Basildon Hospital for treatment following the attack at 9.45pm on Wednesday.

Police took his clothes away for DNA analysis. The robbers were described as white and aged in their early to mid twenties.

One of them had a beard, while another was wearing trainers and a white Nike hooded top.

Reece Ward, of Downey Close, Basildon, said: “I noticed four blokes behind me and as I looked round again I just got a sucker punch straight to the face.

“It was the hardest punch ever, it knocked me to the floor.

“They just kept kicking me. I didn't know what to do so I curled up into a ball.

“I offered them my phone just to get them away but they didn’t want it. They didn’t speak at all.

“I think they were just after doing someone in.”

Reece has since retrieved his keys, which were found close to where the attack happened An Essex Police spokesman said: “Police in Basildon are investigating a robbery in a subway near to South Wash Road.

“The suspects punched him to the face and then kicked him when he fell to the floor.

“The victim was left with swelling and bruising to his face and body. His headphones and keys were stolen.”

Anyone with any information can call Basildon CID on 101.