THE poor condition of a Rochford Road left a Rugby club with cancelled matches, residents with damaged cars and a scout club fearing for their children’s safety.

Pothole ridden Magnolia Road continues to cause problems, despite pleas to Essex County Council for help, as reported in last week’s Echo.

Jo Mcpherson, Rochford district councillor, is furious at the state of the road and says she will help any residents with compensation claims against the county council.

She said: “The county council commissioned someone to do the work and if you pay someone to do it they should do it to the required standard, quite clearly this hasn’t happened.

“I have given a resident details of how to make a claim and I am happy to support anyone else whose car is damaged from driving down that road..”

Rochford Hundred Rugby Club, at the end of the road, has suffered over the years and even lost matches due to teams being unwilling to travel up the road.

Jayn Warner, Club Welfare Officer, said the club has repeatedly sought resolutions with the council to the issues with the road.

She added: “The issues are mainly to do with the health and safety of the many hundreds of children, women and men that train and play for the club or any visiting team every week should there ever be a serious neck or back injury or any illness of any club member or resident.

"Getting an ambulance up the road, with any urgency, would be impossible.

“We have lost many event bookings with taxis, wedding cars and opposing team coaches refusing to even drive up the road hitting the clubs revenue severely.

“It’s awful. It’s not safe for anybody now. I won’t drive along it.

"The scout club are worried about their children’s safety when they have to walk along the road in the dark.”

Adam Faherty, commercial manager at Rochford Hundred Rugby Club, said: “The bottom of the engine hit the road after going into one of the potholes and damaged the engine enough for all the oil to drain out.

" One of the residents at Mascot Lodge is collecting all damages and receipts to take to the council too.”

He said the member had to pay thousands to get his car repaired.

Essex County Council responded by saying they are aware of the problem - and will be looking into it.