ADVENTURE Island’s hugely popular Indoor centre of fun is extending its children’s soft play area with exciting new features including a ‘walk of fear’ , Tarzan swing and a tube slide.

Work will start inside the colourful, 1100 square metre Adventure Inside play centre at the fun park along Southend Seafront on Tuesday May 3 and is expected to take three weeks to complete.

It will cost £162,000.

When it opens on Saturday 28 May, children will encounter over fifteen new zones to explore and play in.

Andrew Renton, Adventure Island’s Operations Director, said: “The new play stack has been designed using sophisticated computer modelling to ensure that it fits perfectly within the building and the existing play facilities.”

He added: “Amongst the new features will be a tube slide, themed danglies, an aerial glide and, for braver little ones a see-through polycarbonate deck that is our new ‘Walk of Fear’.

"We’ll also have a classic ball pool with bendy mirrors and a Tarzan swing.”

Adventure Inside opened in time for last year’s Easter holiday and brought two storeys of new excitement to the seafront.

The distinctive, mint green-coloured Play centre has five rides, including Smiles Per Galleon, a traditional ‘galloper’ carousel and Bounce Spin.

State-of-the-art video games, including the thrilling Star Wars Battle Pod experience, Feelgoods Pizza Pasta Play restaurant and a milkshake bar all added to the appeal of the £5 million attraction.

Mr Renton added: “The addition to the existing soft play will offer children even more fun and keep them happier for longer.

“The beauty of the whole structure is that parents can sit in the café area whilst keeping an eye on their kids through its mesh sides.

"For just £10 you can purchase an all day band giving you full access to the rides and soft play a free kid’s meal and desert is also included along with two free plays in our prize arcade.

He added “Safety is always a key priority, but don’t worry we’ve got it covered so you’ll see a lot of soft objects and curved surfaces.

"Of course, the children won’t notice any of that because they’ll be too busy having a great time but it’s nice to reassure our adult visitors that their little ones are in a super-safe environment.”

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