RUBBISH has piled up on streets across Southend borough after a new litter collection timetable was introduced.

The head of waste collection firm Veolia has apologised to residents for the fiasco, but what have Echo readers been saying about the problems?

WITH streets to the west of the town in an appalling state strewn with uncollected rubbish, I read with disbelief  Cllr Ron Woodley's letter claiming that he and councillor Martin Terry had foreseen the pitfalls of launching the new refuse collection timetable in Southend on a Bank holiday. I fail to understand then why Ron Woodley, one of  the architects of this new contract, didn't change the proposed roll out date when he was leader of the council? Having lost his position, did Ron then warn the council's expert officers as to the problems he had discussed? Did he warn the Conservatives about this or did he leave a ticking time bomb as a present for the new administration in an attempt to gain cheap political points? All councillors have a duty to do the best for the town and its residents regardless as to whether they are in the ruling administration or not. It would seem the town's residents may have been badly let down.

...I COULDN'T agree more with the sentiments of your headline "Sort out waste service mess".
Just one caveat being that that the staff doing the actual work are not to blame and against the odds do an excellent service.
What we have here is a classic example of “if it ain’t broke don’t mend it” in this case Southend Council ditching the excellent service provided by Cory’s for the “cheap” option of  Veolia on the cusp of austerity saving ego trip. 
Plus another fact of life conveniently forgotten that “you only get what you pay for” and if you buy “rubbish” you will only get “rubbish”!
I understand the blue paper boxes that I have written to complain about  on several occasions and have caused their own problems are something that the council insisted on!  However your readers may like to know that I was told the other day by a lady who had received them,  that had “we read the leaflet”  that accompanied the Box we could have had Blue sacks instead – lost the leaflet (recycled) so cannot confirm!
You have rightly pointed out despite pages and letters of criticism in the Echo since they took over Veolia have stayed strangely quiet undoubtedly content to let their hard working collection teams take the flack for their failings!
Hardly what we should expect from a company awarded a long contract worth millions which only goes to confirm my thought’s that the council bought cheap! 
Have lived here for 60+ years and have never experienced such a diabolical situation regarding rubbish collection a total disgrace!
Blenheim Chase,
Leigh on Sea

...MAY I reassure residents that all three Westborough councillors were in the ward and actively addressing the problems with refuse collection last week.
On Wednesday, collection day, we were alerted to some issues by residents. We made ourselves available in the affected areas, got in direct contact with the service provider and knocked on doors of the roads affected until dark.
On Thursday, we made an early start, checking on the missed roads and ensuring teams were en route to collect. We also took photos and directly mailed the street cleansing department to address particular issues. Once again, we walked the whole of the ward. We spoke with the crews of the vehicles when they arrived to collect from the missed roads.
On Friday, we did another tour of the wards, noting anything remaining, including rejected items.
On Saturday, with the help of the Westborough Community Association and Veolia, we cleared five alleyways. At the same time, we spoke to people who had rejected items and discussed the reasons, which included, nappies in pink bags and garden waste and builders rubble in black sacks.
We acted in a similar fashion the previous week.
On behalf of the Westborough Ccouncillors, I can assure residents that we have taken the concerns of residents seriously and taken direct action.
If calls and emails have not been promptly answered, we apologise. Taking immediate and direct action was the priority.
Hastings Road

...I FIND it very distasteful that Ron Woodley and Martin Terry are fighting a cynical rearguard attack trying to buck-pass and blame new incumbent Tony Cox for the Veolia rubbish collection debacle. It is their ex-administration that brought in this ill thought-out scheme.
It is clear that reducing the number of collection days from five to four isn't working. Further, introducing blue boxes for paper and cardboard waste is an appalling misjudgement. From what I've seen, the refuse trucks are ill-equipped to deal with these boxes and rubbish has consequently been spilling and blowing into the streets! Perhaps blue sacks might be a more suitable alternative; shame about the wasted money issuing thousands of blue boxes.
Veolia have presided over what they have admitted are failings on their part and say have brought in additional resources. However, although the main streets are much improved it is the out-of-sight side streets still suffering; funny, that.
If you are a resident still facing piles of uncollected waste, let your protestations be known!
Queensland Avenue