A BABY barn owl is just weeks away from finding his wings - and learning how to deliver wedding rings.

Faith Scott, 18, has been thrilled to be able to introduce the baby owl to the public at Barleylands Farm, in Billericay.

She has taken him on as part of her Birds of Prey Academy, which is based at the farm, and hopes he will quickly pick up all the skills he needs to be part of displays there.

Although the team has yet to determine the owl’s gender, Miss Scott believes it is a male.

She said: “We think he is a boy as he has a white chest and is quite small which is typical of males.

“If he is a male we will maybe call him Milo or Mojo.

“He’s about six weeks old now, I have had him since he was three weeks old and he imprinted on me, which means he thinks I am his mother.

“He now comes with me everywhere. This includes round-the-clock feeding, including during the night.

“But we are slowly introducing him to the public and getting him used to people and he has learnt to hop properly now.

“He should learn to fly in the next few weeks.”

Once he is confident with flying and with people the little owl will start to learn how to deliver wedding rings or engagement rings.

Miss Scott, of Park Lane, Ramsden Heath, said: “The birds deliver the rings in a little white pouch attached to their equipment and then spend time with the bride and groom for photos afterwards so it makes for a really special day.

“He’s very sweet so we think he will do a good job.”