A GRANDAUGHTER is helping to drive home the message about the importance of knowing the symptoms of breast cancer - with the help of her big pink truck.

Sarah Bensusan, 29, of Anthony Close, on Canvey, works for the JKS Group delivering products such as sand and stone to companies around the county.

But she has decided to put her skills to good use and convinced her bosses to get the 32 ton lorry painted bright pink and emblazoned with the Against Breast Cancer charity logo in order to get people to pay attention and learn the symptoms of breast cancer.

She was inspired to raise money and awareness for the charity after her beloved nanny Rene Gill died, aged 71, of breast cancer.

Sarah, who calls her truck Nanny G after her nanny, said: “My nanna died a few years ago; it started out as breast cancer but it eventually spread.

“I’m a lorry driver so I obviously drive about quite a lot and thought it would be a really good way to raise awareness.

“My bosses were great; I mentioned it to them and they thought it was a good idea and got it done for me.

“The tipper truck really does catch the eye and get people’s attention when I drive it, it’s brilliant.

“I get people sticking their thumbs up at me and cheering and I get lots of children waving; they love it because it’s bright pink.”

Sarah also held a charity ball at Concord Rangers Football Club on Canvey in her nanny’s memory and managed to raise £1,400 for the charity.

She was pleased when MP candidate Rebecca Harris and Canvey town mayor Martin Tucker turned up to support her. She said: “I’m really pleased we managed to raise so much money.

“It was a good turnout, we had food donated by the Royal Oak in Stambridge, we had a raffle and a live band. It was a great evening.”

She added: Everything we do is in loving memory of Nanny G and I’m really thankful for everyone’s help and support, you have all been amazing.”

Jamie Crocker, the director of JKS Group, is also proud of Sarah’s fundraising.

He said: “Sarah drives around in the truck and also sells things like wristbands and pens to raise money for the charity.

“It’s great the truck is able to help her raise so much awareness.

“She’s just great and it’s lovely the truck is able to do a small bit to help.”