A clown who now runs his own travelling circus told how he fears a horror film could affect his work.

Paul Carpenter, 43, who runs Circus Wonderland with his partner Kriss Freear, known as Kakehole, has raised concerns about the new IT horror film which following a killer clown.

A specific fear of clowns is known as coulrophobia.

Paul who works under the stage name of Popol said there has been a fear of clowns for some time.

He added: “We have been dreading the release of this film for some time as we think it will have a negative impact on our business.

“Last year around Halloween we had the killer clown craze and we are concerned that this film could kick that all off again .

“We believe that a huge part of the growth in the fear of clowns is down to a negative image of clowns that is in films and on TV.

“I do think that the IT film is the main culprit with this.

“I also think that part of it is about taking something innocent and making it into something scary.

“We have met and worked with people who are and have been scared of clowns and some are less fearful are meeting us out of costume and understanding about our work.

“We have even held counselling type meetings with people who are scared in the past.

“I have been working as a clown for 15 years now and have definitely noted an increase in the number of people who have a fear of clowns.”

Mr Carpenter said he dresses as a traditional white faced clown in a sparkling costume and has a character who is more serious than others.

The performer said that some people who would not watch a show with clowns have done so after meetings with himself.

He said that he can see how his look is striking and very different.

The pair will be performing at The Sun Corner, High Street, Billericay from Wednesday September 20 until Sunday October 1 with their show.

They have been performing in the town for six years.

Mr Carpenter said: “I think there is some genuine fear with some people but I do think that other people just jump on the band wagon.

“I think the fear comes from people now knowing the true intentions of character of someone in heavy make-up or a costume.”

He added that he has loved clowns and that that he thinks the fear has led to clowns being toned down in circuses and shows.