Angry Canvey residents demanded the truth about the future of a much-loved community hall during a fiery debate.

About 150 residents crammed into The Paddocks in Long Road, Canvey, to discuss what’s going to happen to the much loved facility.

Castle Point Council has so far spent £15,000 reviewing The Paddocks which has fallen into a state of disrepair.

The council believes it will cost about £1.6million to refurbish, and instead has suggested pulling it down and building a replacement.

However, residents believe the plans would see houses built on the site to off-set the cost of the new hall, which they believe is over-the-top.

Some say the “inflated” £1.6million figure is to justify knocking down the hall so houses can be built as well.

Although the meeting, on Monday night at the hall, was called to discuss all matters relating to Canvey, the issue of the Paddocks quickly took over and dominated the evening.

Dave Blackwell, Canvey Independent councillor, said: “People kept demanding the truth over the future of the Paddocks.

“To cover the cost of the new hall they will have to build about 40 houses as well.

“The Paddocks is a good community hall, it just needs to be refurbished.

“The council has spent £1.6million building a new gym behind the Castle Point Council offices but they are saying they won’t spend £1.6million on refurbishing the hall.”

He claimed Norman Smith, Castle Point Conservative councillor for regeneration, kept contradicting himself when he answered residents’ concerns about where the £1.6million figure had come from.

He said: “Norman Smith said that the council had already spent £200,000 on putting on a new roof onto the building.

“When he was asked what work was needed to make the refurbishment cost £1.6million, he said that a new roof was needed, but it can’t be because they had already spent £200,000 putting one on.

He called on Castle Point Council to explain and “tell the truth”.

The Echo was not able to reach Norman Smith and leader of Castle Point Council Colin Riley before going to print.