A MOTHER accused of glassing a woman with such force she was almost blinded said the injuries were the result of a drunken fall.

Tate Keating, 30, of Carol Close, Laindon, is on trial at Basildon Crown Court charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Prosecutor Dianne Piggot told the jury Keating put a glass into the face of Shantelle Kane during a drinking session while their children played upstairs.

Ms Kane required multiple operations to save her sight in her left eye following the incident which took place at the home of Lisa Kent, in Carpenter Close, Billericay.

But Keating, who appeared in the dock in a grey suit, told the jury she had nothing to do with the injuries Ms Kane sustained.

Keating admitted being annoyed on the night of the incident because she had split with her partner and had been let down as he was supposed to be babysitting.

She said: “I would say I wasn’t best pleased with the whole situation.”

The court heard Keating took her child to her Ms Kent’s house – who she described as her best friend prior to this incident – with a bottle of vodka.

She added: “I wanted her to babysit and it’s just nice as a gesture.”

Keating denied drinking any alcohol that night and admitted that she was emotional.

She added: “It was reasonable and proportionate behaviour considering I had just split up with me ex and found out he had cheated on me.”

Keating told the court that Ms Kane had been sitting on the kitchen side with her phone in one hand and her drink in another and added that she “tumbled off the side”.

“She had a glass in her hand and her phone. She came forward off the side. I heard a bang. I don’t know how she has suffered these injuries.

“I didn’t see the glass break or come into contact with her face. There was broken glass everywhere.”

Ms Piggot said: “Chantelle told you she needed an ambulance and you said ‘that’s what you get for f***ing with me’.”

Keating denied saying that to Ms Kane but admitted leaving the scene before the ambulance arrived.

The trial continues.