Green fingered residents in Hullbridge are enjoying a bloomin’ good summer after a community garden was transformed.

Funding from Sanctuary Housing has enabled volunteers to work at Tyndale House with items including decking, trellis, soil, pots and plants installed.

Residents are now able to grow wild flowers and produce including spinach, strawberries and carrots in their very own peaceful retreat, where they can relax and admire their hard work.

The installation of specially designed raised flower beds were put in place by Sanctuary Maintenance.

The Men’s Shed at Rayleigh Weir is also enabling wheelchair users to make the most of the garden.

In addition to the physical health benefits and improved mental wellbeing that gardening brings, the outdoor space is making a real difference to residents’ lives.

Alan Bliss, scheme manager at Tyndale House, said: “Our residents were very positive about the garden project because it has made a big difference in getting people out of their flats and socialising.”

Sanctuary is supporting the project through its Maureen’s Gift fund, which provides funding to charities, resident groups and voluntary organisations in need of financial help to deliver community activities in the Rochford district. It was set up in 2011 in memory of community champion Maureen Vince.

To apply or find out more about Maureen’s Gift, contact Sanctuary, quoting Maureen’s Gift, on either 0300 123 3511 or 0800 131 3348.