A BASILDON councillor has been named as a future leader for the LGBT community.

David Burton-Sampson, deputy leader of the Basildon Labour Group and councillor for St. Martin’s has made into the list of future leaders by Outstanding and the Financial Times.

Outstanding is a global membership organisation for businesses, set up to drive cultural change in the treatment of LGBT people.

Mr Sampson who is openly gay has been recognised for his work in both the private and public sector.

He said: "I am absolutely blown away and humbled by this recognition. I have long been committed to promoting awareness, pushing change and celebrating equality within my roles at Metro Bank, Basildon Council, in the Basildon area and the wider community.

"There is always more to be done, but I have been taken aback by the positive response I have received on my pursuit to help people get a better deal in life regardless of their sexuality, ethnicity, age or gender.”

His other work to represent the LGBT community includes successfully campaigning to fly the LGBT rainbow flag at Basildon Council and and other council headquarters across the county – during Pride weekend.

This summer he also led work to combat hate crimes and set up the first mini LGBT pride in Basildon.