Happy Halloween everyone!

We asked you for your best Halloween costumes and were sent some amazing outfits!

From zombies to Harley Quinn, we had some fantastic responses. We have published as many as we can online and in print.

The exact history of dressing up for Halloween and trick and treating is unclear.

It could be from the traditional 'mumming' which took place during the Middle Ages in Britain and Ireland.

It involved going door-to-door in costume, performing short scenes or parts of plays in exchange for food or drink.

The custom of trick-or-treating on Halloween may come from the belief that supernatural beings, or the souls of the dead, roamed the earth at this time and needed to be appeased.

Alternatively, it could be from the Celts, who would dress up as evil spirits as they believed that as the year moved from one to the next, the dead and living would overlap and demons would roam the earth again.

Therefore, people would dress as demons so if they encountered a real demon roaming earth, they would think there were one of them and be safe.

To appease the souls of the dead, they would take offerings of food and drink, often in the form of soul cakes.

The more modern take on trick and treating has arrived in the UK from Canada and America.

It has soared in popularity in recent years and is now as big a celebration as Christmas in some households.