A COUNCIL education boss says she understands parents will be concerned after a school confirmed a case of coronavirus.

Belfairs Academy in Leigh sent out an email on Friday saying a parent of one of the students had tested positive for COVID-19.

The Legra Trust, which runs the school, said the pupil was clear of the virus, but the entire family had begun self-isolating as a precaution.

After seeking advice, the school was given the all clear to remain open.

Southend Council’s cabinet member for education for children and learning Anne Jones (Lab) urged parents to make the best decision for their youngsters when it came to deciding whether they sent them in.

“I’m not in a position to give advice – I’m not a doctor or the director of public health – but I am a parent and understand other parents will have concerns,” she said.

“For everyone involved, the worst time for this to break would be on a Friday because you end up having two days where you just worry about what the situation will be on the Monday.

“It is a matter of choice for the parents.

“Usually, if your child is not showing any symptoms then you would send them to school but you have to act in the best interests of your children.

“This is an unprecedented situation and I know there will be concerns.”

Ms Jones called for the school to carry on communicating regularly with parents if the situation changed and for them to stress the added importance of hand washing and good hygiene to students.