POLICE fined eight people and warned 1,500 others for breaching lockdown rules over the Bank Holiday weekend.

Essex Police Assistant Chief Constable, Andy Prophet, shared news that 1,595 residents were spoken two across the four-day weekend for failing to follow guidelines on essential journeys and social distancing.

In addition, eight people were hit with fixed penalties of £60, which are lowered to £30 if paid within 14 days

Mr Prophet wrote on Twitter: “In 72 hours of the Bank Holiday weekend Essex Police have spoken to 1,595 residents or visitors to the county about appropriate journeys or social distancing and only had to issue eight penalty notices.

“Engage, explain, encourage before enforce. Keep it up Essex. Thank you.

“The UK public must not leave home unless it is for work, medical needs, food shopping or exercise.”

While the weather was bright and sunny at the weekend, the majority of Southend residents stayed at home with the seafront mainly deserted throughout most of the weekend.

Kerry Smith, deputy leader of Basildon Council, praised the police for their response to the lockdown.

He said: “I think Essex Police need a pat on the back as they have been fairly even handed with residents, they need to be congratulated.

“This also really shows the importance of local parks and green spaces for residents.

“There has been many campaigns to keep public green spaces, some successful and some not, but it demonstrates why we have to be so cautious and protect them.

“If, god forbid, we get another lockdown in the future, residents can still get outside and get some exercise.”

Residents praised the work of police on social media.

Mike Joyce said: “Some will never understand or refuse to comply.

“The positive out of this is Essex Police are doing an excellent job managing in very difficult circumstances.

“They have developed a balanced approach even when dealing with idiots.

“Well done and a big thank you.”

Police were asked for the locations of the penalties and what the perpetrators had done but the force did not respond before the Echo went to press.

Police can also issue a fixed penalty notice of £120 for second time offenders, doubling on each further repeat offence