Travellers have reportedly left human faeces scattered across a beauty spot.

The group, who had set up camp in the Beacon Field car park, in Langdon Hills, have now moved on, but have reportedly left items covered in human faeces "strewn across" the area.

The car park, owned by Thurrock Council, which backs onto the popular the Westley Heights country park in Basildon, had been home to around 15 caravans since earlier in June.

The travellers vacated the site on Saturday.

Kerry Smith, the deputy leader of Basildon Council, is appalled at the mess, and in an email sent to council officers, he called for Thurrock Council to remove the rubbish.

In the email, which the Echo has said, he said: "Can we send the clean up bill to remove the truck load of rubbish and to litter pick the items covered in human-faecal matter that was strewn across the grassed areas be billed directly to Thurrock Council please? 

"Thurrock Council are paid by Essex County Council to manage this car park and it can't be left in this dreadful condition while we wait for Thurrock Council to take charge of the clean up."