A SEAL pup has died despite being rescued from underneath the iconic Barge Pier in Shoebury.

The pup, just six-weeks-old, was put to sleep on Friday after the seal was found stranded under the pier on Thursday afternoon.

After being transported to the south Essex wildlife hospital, the seal was found with a dislocated shoulder, a sprained left flipper and was malnourished.

Seals are not able to recover from dislocated or broken shoulders.

Another seal was thankfully saved by Southend's Coastguard teams off Chalkwell beach just hours before the Shoebury rescue.

The first seal was reported to have an injured flipper, but made its way back out to sea with some assistance.


A spokesman from Southend Coastguard, said: "We regret to report that the seal pup had to be put to sleep as, in the assessment of its injuries, they found the pup had an extensive shoulder dislocation which seals are not able to recover from, so it could not fend for itself.

"The most humane action was to end its suffering. 

"We again would like to say a big thanks to the British Divers Marine Life Rescue and south Essex Wildlife Hospital for everything they do and in trying to save the life of the seal pub which everyone has become attached to.

"We also want to thank the member of public who called in the second alert."