DESPITE the country going into a second lockdown for most of November, the criminal courts ploughed on.

In Basildon Crown Court, many vile criminals came through the doors and were sent down for various crimes, from drug dealing to the rape of two women.

Below are some of the worst cases to come through the courts last month.

Eddie James 


James, 29, of Paxfords, Laindon was arrested after officers found more than £20,000 in cash, cocaine, MDMA and a knuckle duster.

Officers also found paraphernalia used to prepare drugs for sale, as well as high value jewellery and designer clothes.

He was arrested after officers spotted him making a suspected drug deal in his car in Redgrave Road, Basildon, on 20 October.

They searched him and found £510 in his pocket. While he was in custody, his mobile phone was continually ringing and receiving text messages relating to drugs.

He was jailed for four years and four months.

Gabriel Uttley


Gabriel Uttley was jailed after being convicted of sexually abusing four pupils while he was a teacher.

All of the crimes took place when Uttley, 62, of Lundy Close, York, was employed as a teacher at Beauchamps High School in Wickford, over a six-year period.

On multiple occasions Uttley sexually touched the pupils over and under their clothing.

On the most serious occasion, Uttley touched and performed sex acts on a pupil under their clothing.

He was jailed for four years.

Jason Warner 


Jason Warner, 49, from Cambridge Road, Canvey, was given a confiscation order totalling £1,220,192 at Kingston Crown Court.

Warner, who is serving an eight year prison term for conspiracy to supply drugs and money laundering, was warned he would serve up to a further seven years in prison if he failed to pay the full sum within three months.

Officers from the Organised Crime Partnership – a joint National Crime Agency and Metropolitan Police Service unit – arrested Warner in October 2018 for supplying multiple kilos of cocaine, cannabis and amphetamines across London and Essex.

Read more here.

Nashon Campbell


Drug dealer Nashon Campbell who had racked up a £700 debt to his handler was trying to work it off when police spotted him with a stash of drugs hidden in his mouth.

Nashon Campbell was jailed for more than two years after he was caught with heroine and cocaine in Westcliff.

The 26-year-old was driving at around 2pm in a black Vauxhall Astra, and came to the attention of patrolling police officers.

Campbell notably turned his head away from the police car, and officers then decided to follow him.

Checks of the registration found it was a hired vehicle and someone else was in the car along with Campbell.

He then tried to hide a stash of cocaine and heroin by stuffing them into his mouth when he was pulled over.

After a short search, he was arrested. He was jailed at Basildon Crown Court on November 3 for being concerned in the supply of cocaine and diamorphine (heroin).

Prosecuting, Sasha Bailey told the court the Astra came to a stop in London Road and Campbell got out.

She said: “They could see there was a bulge to the side of his face. He spat it out and it turned out to be Class A drugs.

“A telephone was seized from Campbell, and numerous messages from that phone were in relation to the supply of Class A drugs.”

The court was told that Campbell, of Leggatts Wood Avenue, Hertfordshire, had amassed between £600 and £700 in drug debt with his dealer and was working for him to pay off the money.

Ryan Thompson, mitigating, said that Campbell was now “trying to pick himself up again”.

Recorder David Osborne handed Campbell two years and three months in jail, adding: “Another passenger in there was holding and hiding drugs you had plainly supplied.”

James Frost 


Vile predator James Front has been jailed for more than a decade for raping a woman and sexually assaulting another.

He raped a woman in his flat in March this year, and then sexually assaulted another in her own home in Southend a few days later.

The 39-year-old of Kursaal Way, Southend, was jailed at Basildon Crown Court today for rape, sexual assault and assaulting emergency workers.

Prosecuting, Gareth Hughes told the court Frost had approached his first victim while she was out drinking.

Read more here.

Daniel Williams


A THUG who has racked up 103 crimes throttled a 13-year-old boy with a lanyard and headbutted a street ranger who tried to step in.

Daniel Williams, 28, has been jailed for a year for robbing the boy of the lanyard he wore around his neck while in Southend High Street.

The teen had gone to the Burger King restaurant on August 5 and was outside when he noticed Williams glaring at him.

Williams, from Southchurch Avenue, Southend, then approached the boy, yelling at him, asking if he was part of a business group.

When the boy replied he wasn’t, Williams grabbed the lanyard and twisted it, leaving the teen fighting for breath.

He was jailed for one year.