A FORMER sailing club will be sold off to pay for a controversial community centre plan, amid fears the site could be used for homes.

Castle Point Council bosses are hoping to sell the land of Chapman Sands Sailing Club, Eastern Esplanade, Canvey to fund the new £5million Paddocks Community Centre and replace the existing centre in Long Road on the island.

But campaigners, former club bosses and opposition councillors have hit out at the Tory-led council.

Bill Gosnold, secretary of the now closed club which run for 52 years, said he’s disappointed.

He said: “It feels like this council just wants to destroy communities at a time when we should be pulling together.

“We were forced to close and it’s such a shame. We’ve still got to clear out the site and but we couldn’t run it any more.

“The rent demand was unachievable but I do hope the cash goes into some good community use.”

Betty Morris, 67, of Canvey said: “Everyone says Chapman Sands will become homes and we do not want to see that either - while club and sites like this are not used now with the Covid pandemic we will use them again.

“We don’t want a new centre we want the existing one improved.

“The council is still not listening to us and we’re paying our rates and that will go towards this project.

“So many people have wonderful memories of the old sailing club and Paddocks Centre and both are being destroyed for no good reason at all.”

Tory council boss Norman Smith insisted there was no option but to sell the club site and the new Paddocks Centre will be good for the community.

A council spokesman said: “All councillors have notified in advance of the council’s actions to offer for sale at auction the council owned land formerly used as the Chapman Sands Sailing Club following public notice of disposal last year.

“Any sale will be subject to a planning brief for the site. If a sale takes place the proceeds are to be reinvested in Canvey Island by Castle Point Council for the benefit of Canvey Island residents as part funding towards the provision of a new community hall on Canvey Island at the Paddocks site.”