Fifteen teenagers involved in gangs linked to drug dealing, violence and anti-social behaviour have been banned from entering areas across Southend.

As part of a list of strict conditions, they have been banned from entering parts of Leigh, Southend and Rayleigh.

It's hoped the move will reduce their criminal behaviour, protect the community, and steer them away from gangs to make positive changes to their lives.

The court orders apply to five boys from the Leigh Lot and ten boys from O Block, who are based in Southend and Rayleigh.

Violence between the groups has mainly been borne out of rivalry with each other and has escalated in the last year.

While police are also investigating possible links between these gangs and two murder investigations, and a violent incident in which a man died and another suffered life-changing injuries. These investigations remain ongoing.


Zone A

Individuals are prohibited from entering the following places unless accompanied by a parent or youth worker:

  • Warrior Square Park or car park
  • The Forum
  • Southend High Street including the Royals
  • Victoria Plaza and the underpass
  • Bournes Green Park
  • The grounds or premises (unless a resident) of Chiltern, Pennine, Malvern, Quantock, Grampian, Brecon, Blackdown or Longbow Flats
  • Elizabeth Towers
  • Leigh Library Gardens
  • Chalkwell Park
  • Chalkwell Beach/Esplanade
  • Bonchurch Park
  • Eastwood Park
  • Marine Parade/Belton Hills Nature Reserve
  • Two Tree Island (beyond Leigh Station)
  • Leigh Cliffs East
  • Old Leigh
  • Grove Park
  • Grove Woods
  • King George’s Park
  • Websters Way including the car park
  • Rayleigh High Street
  • Blenheim Park
  • Eastwood Park
  • Beaver Tower

Read more:

Dispersal order in place in Old Leigh for Bank Holiday weekend

'Knife yob pins down shop worker in armed robbery'


Zone B

While these gangs generally aim their violent behaviour at each other, members of the public have also been victims of crime and impacted by their anti-social behaviour.

Essex Police has arrested and prosecuted a number of individuals, some of whom are currently going through the courts or are being investigated.

The individuals are banned from:

1) Associating with each other, and other named people within the order who are part of the Leigh Lot, O Block and Gutless Gang, in a public place, or place to which the public have access, save for any court appearances together, appointments with outside agencies at the same time, or whilst attending any school/college (but even then must not associate together off the premises) or when detained in custody or with prior authorisation of the police (which will be provided in writing)

2) Entering the above locations unless accompanied by a parent or youth worker

3) Entering any railway station including the grounds and car parks of the railway station, unless (a) in possession of or purchases immediately a valid ticket for travel and boards a train within one hour of attending the railway station or (b) alighting from a train having travelled to the station by train with a valid ticket for travel and immediately leaves the train station and car park

4) Featuring in, or making any video or audio material, that is threatening, abusive, insulting, incites violence, promotes criminal activity, shows weapons or makes reference to gang affiliations or tensions including Leigh Lot/Leigh Mandem/Leigh Boys, O Block/12 Block/Westcliff O’s, or the Gutless Gang

5) Making contact with, arrange contact via a third party with, or facilitate harassment of or harm to, any person affiliated to or associated with the involved gangs 

6) Congregating, joining or remaining in a public place in a group of two or more (including the person subject of the injunction) where the group is behaving in a manner causing or likely to cause any person to feel intimidated or fear for their safety, or be construed as anti-social

7) Being in possession of any type of firearm or imitation firearm

8) Being in possession of any knife or bladed article irrespective of length of blade in a public place

9) Being in possession of drug paraphernalia used to sell, consume or manufacture controlled drugs

10) Being in possession of more than £100 in cash at any one time without legitimate reason

11) Running away or making off from any police constable when requested to stop

12) Being in possession of, or riding, an electric scooter, unless the scooter has a valid policy of insurance which provides cover for the Respondent to ride the scooter

13) On social media, knowingly and purposefully being friends with, engaging with or sending a message to specific persons named in the order

14) Being in possession of more than one mobile phone and one SIM card at any time and the SIM card must be registered with the network provider with correct name and address details

The police team have worked closely with organisations including social care, Southend Council and Justice and Care UK to make repeated attempts to engage with individuals to divert them away from gang and criminal activity.

The injunctions were granted at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday April 14 and Friday April 16.

They last until June 3 and June 4. An application to extend the injunctions beyond that date will be considered.

A power of arrest was also granted, which means police can arrest those who are found to be breaching any of the conditions.


Zone C

Detective Inspector Scott Fitzmaurice, of Operation Raptor South, which applied for the injunctions, said: “We will continue to use every power available to us to target and dismantle gangs such as these, which not only cause misery for our law-abiding communities but also prey on vulnerable young people.

“They entice younger members into a dangerous lifestyle on the basis of false promises of money, a sense of belonging and status.

"But the reality is they will be subjected to violence and later on down the line will go on to exploit new members again in the same way they were exploited.

“The young people who are subject of these injunctions will have experienced all this first-hand.

“These court orders aim to not only prevent them from causing harm and nuisance to others, but also to steer them away from dangerous situations where they can come to harm, and to give them the opportunity to reflect on what direction they want their lives to go in.

“But enforcement alone will not solve these complex issues, which is why as a community we must all work together to show gang life doesn’t pay and there are many more positive alternatives.”


Chief Superintendent Simon Anslow, local policing commander for Southend and Rayleigh, added: "These two gangs have been involved in violent clashes that have escalated in the last year and this has to stop.

“They have shown no respect for the law, their victims, or the public, who have been caught up in their violence and anti-social behaviour.

“However, this minority of individuals are not above the law and we will do everything in our power to disband them and protect our communities.

“We have consistently and proactively carried out enforcement, and with our partners we have worked extensively to try and help individuals find a way out of these gangs.

“These injunctions aim to protect our communities, reduce violence and criminal behaviour, and address the issues that lead individuals to become involved in this lifestyle.”

If you have any information about drugs or violent crime, or are concerned someone is being exploited by gangs, please contact Essex Police.

Information can also be given to independent charity Crimestoppers completely anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Carl Robinson, director for public protection for Southend Council, said: "Violence and anti-social behaviour in any form is unacceptable, particularly when it involves young people caught up in gangs, often involving the sale and use of drugs, violent incidents with weapons and exploitation.

"Our community safety unit work to support Essex Police in dealing with anti-social behaviour by providing a visible presence in known crime hotspots.

“These injunctions will provide additional powers to Essex Police in the local area in relation to these gangs. I thank Essex Police and all agencies involved for proceeding with these injunctions to help keep our residents safe and well.”