ANTI-social teens have had a series of strict rules imposed on them to protect the community and steer them away from crime.

Members of the Leigh Lot - also known as Leigh Mandem and Leigh Boys - have been involved in violence with rival gangs and drug dealing, and investigated for offences including drugs, serious assaults, sexual offences and robberies.

Essex Police first became aware of the gang in January 2018 and their criminal behaviour has escalated in the last 12 months, with a number believed to be carrying weapons.

There are also frequent reports of anti-social behaviour in areas where they congregate.

While the force first became aware of O Block, also referred to as the Westcliff O’s and 12 Block, in June 2017 - who are often in dispute with the Leigh Lot.

Over the last 12 months, a number of members have been investigated for drug dealing offences and the gang is linked to violence, intimidating behaviour and retribution attacks.

Violence between the groups has mainly been borne out of rivalry with each other and has escalated in the last year.

And although these gangs generally aim their violent behaviour at each other, members of the public have also been victims of crime and impacted by their anti-social behaviour.

Injunctions have been placed on 15 teenagers from across both gangs - five boys from the Leigh Lot and ten from O Block.

It stops them from associating with each other, and others in the order who are part of the Leigh Lot, O Block and Gutless Gang in a public place or a place which the public have access to.

Read more:

15 teenagers from gangs with possible links to murders banned from parts of Southend

The areas across Southend where 15 teens involved in drug-dealing have been banned

Unless accompanied by a parent or youth worker they are also banned from entering exclusion zone A (Leigh Library Gardens, Chalkwell Park, Chalkwell Beach/Esplanade, Bonchurch Park, Eastwood Park, Marine Parade/Belton Hills Nature Reserve, Two Tree Island (beyond Leigh Station), Leigh Cliffs East, and Old Leigh).

Exclusion zone B covers Grove Park, Grove Woods, King George’s Park, Websters Way including the car park, Rayleigh High Street, Blenheim Park, Eastwood Park, and Beaver Tower.

Exclusion zone C covers Warrior Square Park or car park, the Forum, Southend High Street including the Royals, Victoria Plaza and the underpass, Bournes Green Park, the grounds or premises unless a resident of Chiltern, Pennine, Malvern, Quantock, Grampian, Brecon, Blackdown or Longbow Flats, and Elizabeth Towers.

They are banned from entering any train station, including the car park, unless they have a ticket or immediately buy a valid ticket and board the train within one hour. The other exception is that they've got off a train wth a valid ticket and immediately leave the station and car park.

They must not feature in or make any video or audio that is threatening, abusive, insulting or incites violence, or which promotes criminal activity, shows weapons or makes reference to gang affiliations or tensions.

On top of this, they're not allowed to make contact with, arrange contact via a third party with, or facilitate harassment of or harm to, any person associated with the involved gangs.

They must not congregate, join or remain in a public place in a group of two or more where the group is behaving in a manner causing or likely to cause any person to feel intimidated or fear for their safety, or be construed as anti-social.

Other conditions included in the injunction bans them from doing the following:

  • Being in possession of any type of firearm or imitation firearm.
  • Being in possession of any knife or bladed article irrespective of length of blade in a public place.
  • Being in possession of drug paraphernalia used to sell, consume or manufacture controlled drugs.
  • Being in possession of more than £100 in cash at any one time without legitimate reason.
  • Running away or making off from any police constable when requested to stop.
  • Being in possession of, or riding, an electric scooter, unless the scooter has a valid policy of insurance which provides cover for the respondent to ride the scooter.
  • On social media, knowingly and purposefully being friends with, engaging with or sending a message to specific persons named in the order
  • Being in possession of more than one mobile phone and one SIM card at any time and the SIM card must be registered with the network provider with correct name and address details.

John O’Loughlin, director for children’s services for Southend Council, said: “The council’s children’s services team will always seek to support and advise any young person who is at risk of exploitation, and those who get drawn in to joining local gangs are no different.

“We know these incidents can sometimes be extremely complex, and our highly-qualified staff in the youth offending service and the children’s services team have on numerous occasions sought to help those included in the injunctions, specifically through our adolescent prevention and intervention team.

“We have also worked extensively with Essex Police and other partner organisations on the See the Signs campaign, which was launched in 2018.

“I would urge anyone with concerns regarding a child’s welfare to contact Essex Police immediately.”