A YOUNG child suffered serious leg injuries off the coast of Southend and had to be rescued.

The 11-year-old had suffered serious cuts to their legs while 700 metres out to sea from the Sea Life Centre yesterday evening.

Southend Coastguard leapt into action after receiving reports at 4.45pm.

A spokesman said: "We sent two officers out on the mudflats looking for the casualty.

"It then transpired that two members of the public had carried the casualty back to shore and were now at the first aid cabin by Jubilee Beach.

"Due to the serious nature of the injury, East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust were requested. Ambulance crews then treated the casualty in situ before transfer to hospital for further treatment.

"Whilst the two coastguard officers were out on the mudflats they were flagged down to treat a two-year-old boy with cut feet, so treated them also in situ and provided some safety advice to the parents warning of the incoming tide and risk of more cuts to bare feet from the oyster beds which they were standing in."


The coastguard has issued safety advice following the incident.

The spokesman said: "Along Southend Seafront there are various oyster beds, shells of which can cause serious cuts / lacerations to bare feet if walking over.

"Large oyster beds can be found east and west of Southend Pier, especially off Jubilee Beach and Chalkwell Beach areas but you can find them all along our coastline.

"Therefore if you want to walk out on the mudflats, wear beach shoes or something similar to protect your feet. Once you are in the water you will not know what lies beneath which you may tread on and injury yourself.

"If you end up in water with cut feet and the water is deep enough to float, float back to shore where you can flag down assistance from family, friends or member of public."

In an emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.