CROOKS climbed through a bathroom window to steal a car as well as several laptops and iPads, leaving a single mum devastated.

Kate West, 41, was asleep as thieves targeted her ground floor flat on Silverdale Avenue, Westcliff and rummaged around her house to steal her family’s belongings.

During the break-in in the early hours of Monday, two laptops, an iPad, a Nintendo switch and Kate’s handbag were stolen - including the keys to her blue Fiat 500.

Kate, an upcoming musician, also had her musical work and song lyrics stored on the iPad.

She said: “It’s quite scary when you think I was in the house when it happened.

“My small bathroom window was left open for my cat and they must have slipped their hand through to open the bigger window and climbed through.

“My bag was in my in the conservatory and they took my whole bag which had my car keys in it and they took my car.

“I didn’t hear anything. It’s not a big flat either so I should have heard it.

“I feel like I’m being watched or something. I always leave my bathroom window open for my cat maybe someone knew and that’s what scares me.

“I just thank god that my child wasn’t here but it is still scary.”

The burglary and loss of her car has had a huge impact on Kate’s ability to work.

She said: “My iPad had all my personal songs that I have written. It’s a nightmare.

“I have a child and it’s a massive problem for me to not have a car. I can’t get to work or get to my gigs without it.

“I’m a single, working mum that works really hard and then they go and do that.”

Kate is now appealing for people in the community to keep an eye out for her stolen light blue Fiat 500. The registration number is LY08 GOA.

She added: “I would love to find my car.

“Losing it has had a huge impact on my day to day life and being able to work.”

A police spokesman said: “We’re investigating a burglary in Silverdale Avenue, Westcliff where items including a computer console and a handbag were taken.

“It happened between 1am and 6.30am on 28 June.

“The victim’s car, a blue Fiat 500, was also taken.

“Please quote the crime reference number 42/123805/21.”