A driver who blocked a man’s driveway then racially abused him after being asked to move, has avoided jail.

Mark Ewart parked on double yellow lines outside the victim’s house in Westborough Road, Westcliff, and went to another address in the street.

The homeowner waited 20 minutes for Ewart to move so he could get his own car out of the driveway.

When he failed to return, he went over to find him and ask if he could move his car.

As the victim started opening his gates to move his car, Ewart verbally abused and threatened to hit him.

Following an investigation into the incident on 18 August last year, the 57-year-old, of The Glen, Rayleigh, was charged with common assault and using threatening or abusive words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress, that was racially aggravated.

Ewart initially denied the charges but then admitted the offences on Wednesday 30 June at Colchester Magistrates’ Court.

He was fined £692 and ordered to pay £100 compensation, £150 costs and a £34 victim surcharge.

Sergeant David Gardiner said: “Ewart’s behaviour was vile and completely needless.

“There is never any justification for such abhorrent behaviour.”