A MAN was spotted with his "genitals on show" in a car park, walkers have warned.

The man, who was allegedly seen in the Two Tree Island car park, was spotted with his "dungarees open to his groin".

Taking to social media, witnesses hoped to warn other walkers in the area.

It comes after dogwalkers were left horrified after spotting a condom “birdbox" near the entrance gate of the nature reserve at Two Tree Island.

The birdbox, which contains condoms and wipes, was installed in the “dogging hotspot” to encourage people to have safer sex - even if it is in public.

The sexual health installation came as part of a new initiative by Brook, a sexual health service, which has been contracted by Southend Council.

While the service doesn’t encourage public sex, Brook has accepted it happens and is hoping to reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.

However, residents believe the condom birdbox has now been removed from the gate.

Read more:

Condom machine installed at 'dogging hotspot' in Southend to encourage safe sex

Basildon's serial flasher must be made 'town's most wanted'

It also follows a series of flashing incidents in Basildon, with an elderly woman allegedly flashed in Kingswood Park on Monday morning.

The man allegedly responsible has been seen “with his trousers down” on multiple occasions in Willow Park, near Westley Heights Country Park.

There has also been similar incidents in Gloucester Park in recent weeks and months.

The serial flasher has previously “grabbed and followed women home” in previous incidents.