A “MANIPULATIVE bully” ran a campaign of fear against an ex-partner, causing her to flee to a women’s refuge as he threatened to burn her house down and uploaded an intimate video of her to social media.

Jack Sumner has been locked up for four years and five months after defying restraining orders to send a cascade of abuse and vitriol to the woman after he couldn’t cope with her leaving him.

The 28-year-old of Sandon Road, Basildon sent messages threatening arson, and that he would “cut, burn and beat her” until she “wasn’t recognisable”.

Sumner also uploaded an intimate video of the woman to his Snapchat story.

Sumner was jailed for four months in September last year for criminal damage to the woman’s car and harassment, and also given a restraining order.

But he ignored this and messaged her when he left prison, but his messages turned violent and abusive in December.

In January this year, Sumner created fake social media profiles, some of which in the woman’s name, and then bombarded her with hateful messages.

At Sumner’s sentencing at Southend Crown Court, Judge Samantha Cohen said: “You uploaded an explicit video of her to Snapchat stories which meant anyone on your Snapchat could access that video.

“That was a disgraceful betrayal by you to her.

“You sent threatening messages from three accounts and one said ‘dead girl mate’.

“On January 9 you sent an email that again attached the intimate video and you wrote in the email ‘send to every scumbag she was talking to’.”

The court heard the woman was forced to flee to a women’s refuge and relocated elsewhere in the UK, and now feels stressed and anxious to leave the house and cannot visit her parents, as they live near Sumner.

Mitigating, Sasha Bailey said that Sumner was a previous drug addict but is now drug-free in prison. She said: “He has grown up even in the six months in custody and will bear that in mind when he is released.”

Judge Cohen added: “You are a manipulative bully and perpetrated a campaign against her of anger, spite and sexual jealousy.

“You couldn’t accept she didn’t want to be in a relationship with you and you punished her for that.”

Sumner was also given a ten year restraining order.