A WOMAN who had a major role in the supply of cocaine and heroin on Canvey was found with a "tick list" in her home.

Hazel Rance was found to be heading up a major drugs line around Castle Point from the island following a raid of her home in Canvey High Street.

The 35-year-old was confronted by officers from Essex Police's Operation Falcon team who stormed the home.

Inside the officers found mobile phones, drugs paraphernalia such as wrappings and scales.

Rance was interviewed and released under investigation whilst officers gathered further evidence and a charging decision from the Crown Prosecution Service.

Analysis of the seized mobile phones showed that Rance played a "significant part" in supplying class A drugs within the community.

Investigating officer, PC Sam Scrivener, said: "Drugs are not welcome in our communities.


"Operation Falcon are here to make it as uncomfortable as possible for those involved in supplying drugs and working with the Crown Prosecution Service and partners will seek to bring them to justice.

"We work on intelligence gained from members of the public, if you see something and think we should know get in touch."

The Crown Prosecution Service agreed to two charges being laid of being concerned in the supply of Heroin and crack cocaine.

Rance admitted her offending and was sentenced to 22 months in prison suspended for the same amount of time.

She also had to pay a £340 victim surcharge and forfeited £310 in cash, which was also seized at the property.

The sentencing comes after the Castle Point and Rochford Policing Team uncovered £75,000 worth of cannabis in July which was seized, as part of £365,000 worth of drugs seized across south Essex that month.

People can report directly to Essex Police on 101 or via the police's "Live Chat" facility.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or visit crimestoppers-uk.org and submit an anonymous online report.

People should always call 999 in an emergency.