An empty sailing boat crashed into Southend Pier after being carried along the water by the tide.

The coastguard and RNLI were called to deal with the vessel, which had reportedly been seen adrift around Southend Pier at 7.30pm yesterday (Sunday, August 15).

They arrived to find the boat had actually hit the pier and some of its lines had become entangled with the structure.

No one was found on board the vessel and crews were eventually able to free it and tow it to a temporary mooring site overnight.

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Whilst the RNLI crew were dealing with the vessel, the coastguard were then re-tasked to a separate incident at Two Tree Island where it was reported two paddle boarders had not returned to shore safely.

The duo had been attempting complete the ’Two Tree Loop’ around the Island at high tide but had become stranded when the outgoing tide meant they had run out of water.

They eventually made their own way to shore safely and were given advice from the coastguard crew on the best times to paddle board.

The coastguard was then stood down.