A teenage white supremacist plotted to murder his Asian friend because the boy had boasted about sleeping with “white chicks”, a court has heard.

Matthew Cronjager, 18, is accused of trying to equip himself with a 3D printed weapon or a sawn off shotgun to shoot his former friend, comparing him to a “cockroach”, the Old Bailey was told.

The teenager allegedly set up an online library to share right-wing propaganda and explosives-making manuals with like-minded people he had met on the web.

He also set out to make himself the leader of a right-wing terror cell and find a way to supply members with guns, the court was told.

But Cronjager, of Ingatestone in Essex, was sharing his plans with an undercover police officer who had infiltrated a Telegram group called “The British Hand”, jurors heard.

It is claimed that the teenager offered to lead the UK division of an extreme right-wing group calling itself “Exiled 393”, telling members that his time as an army cadet had given him the necessary skills.

In November last year, Cronjager allegedly suggested setting up a collective PayPal account to buy weapons and other items for the group.

In one message, he is said to have written: “I was thinking more of having it to buy things like big tents or a 3D printer maybe for creating bits of ‘art’.”

“Art” is believed to refer to guns, prosecutor Alistair Richardson said.

Another member of the group said “a shipment” of art would be arriving next year, saying: “Whilst printed art is good, art that is actually painted by professionals is always better.”

Cronjager allegedly responded: “I don’t want to start anything too soon.”

The court was told that he said he wanted to arm the group but give them a few months before launching an attack to “get over the stress of being illegal and being unable to go back from that point”.

In further messages to the undercover officer on December 13, he and Cronjager discussed arranging a drop off location for 3D printed guns, the court heard, and of the supplier needing more money to pay for materials.

Cronjager allegedly responded: “Once we’ve got them we’re illegal. There’s no real going back.”

He continued: “We either go full send it or we pussy out and end up like every other British nationalist group believing we are going to fix this legally.”

On the same day, Cronjager allegedly began his plot to kill his former friend after he boasted to him of sleeping with three white women.

He told the undercover officer: “I’ve found someone I want to execute.”

Cronjager is said to have added: “I know it’s an overall target and he’s a sand n***** that f***** a white girl. In fact I think 3 of them.

“I figure we could just ‘find’ a double barrel shotgun and saw it down for things like this. Two blasts will kill all but the strongest man and (there’s) no rifling.

“So no tracking ballistics.”

Cronjager then added: “They’re like cockroaches,” the court heard.

The defendant allegedly continued: “Do you know what’s weird. I was friends with him for ages and I can just kill him like that. I have no hang ups about doing it. He crossed the line.”

When asked if his former friend had raped the girls, he allegedly replied: “Nope, but it’s a violation of nature.

“We’re not supposed to mix race … It’s not rape by legal definition but it’s kind of like rape if that makes sense. Violation at least.”

On his arrest at his Essex home on December 29 last year, police seized a large amount of material demonstrating his commitment to an “extreme right-wing cause”, jurors heard.

Cronjager denies engaging in conduct in preparation for terrorist acts between October 31 and December 19.

He has pleaded not guilty to disseminating terrorist publications on Telegram.

The court was told that Cronjager has admitted four other counts of having terrorist publications.

Upon his arrest he claimed to be a member of anti-fascist organisation Antifa, saying he had infiltrated various right-wing groups to disrupt and undermine them.

  • The trial continues.