VANDALS plastered graffiti over a huge piece of art on the seafront ... days after three hare sculptures were trashed.

The piece of art, which depicts waves, had formed part of the Estuary 2021 Festival and stood proudly near Gunners Park, in Shoebury.

However, the work - called In the End is The Beginning by Nadav Kander - has since been completely covered in blue, orange and yellow graffiti.

Colette Bailey, Metal’s artistic director, said the team “are working to clean up the work as quickly as they can so that audiences can enjoy Nadav’s work in full once again.”

The attack follows the Hares About Town sculptures being damaged at the weekend.

John Budge, of the Shoebury Residents’ Association, said: “This is absolutely despicable, I was completely shocked when I found out.

“One of my colleagues sent me a picture and I couldn’t believe it. I was horrified to see what had been done.

“They’ve sprayed all across the three panels, have effectively destroyed the pictures, and have completely wrecked it.


Before - In the End is The Beginning by Nadav Kander, near Gunners Park. Photo: Mark Massey

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“The same with the damage to the Hares About Town sculptures, that is also absolutely disgraceful too. You cant have anything nice for the area when people behave like this.

“Even if you don’t like it, don’t damage and ruin it.”

Shoebury councillor Steven Wakefield says the latest blow is a “hard pill to swallow”.

He added: “This is extremely disappointing. It’s terrible these people are going round and making the town look like a shanty town.

“They have covered someone else’s art work in what is poor mindless vandalism. You try to make a nice street scene for people and push to have a nice clean area, but these individuals are just going round wrecking it.

“We cannot condone it. graffiti is graffiti, it’s not meant to be there and it’s just not the right thing to do.”