A MAN accused of threatening a taxi driver’s with a hammer told a jury “it never happened” and he had “no reason to flee”.

Craig Murphy, 31, took to the witness box at Basildon Crown Court yesterday after denying affray.

It is alleged that Craig Murphy, along with his brother Callum Murphy, 25, both of Selbourne Road, Hockley, abused a taxi driver and then smashed up his car during a row in Brentwood High Street.

However, Craig Murphy has insisted no threats took place and when grilled on his memory, said “my memory is fine”.

The court previously heard that the the pair, and Jordan Dean, 32, of Laburnam Walk, Hornchurch, had been drunk and entered the taxi, before getting angry when the driver asked for the £20 fare up front.

The alleged incident took place at around 10.15pm on October 24, 2018, and Gabrielle McAvock, prosecuting, told the court the trio were not arrested until 10.45pm.


Ms McAvock questioned why the brothers remained in the same place for so long.

Craig Murphy responded: “I honestly don’t know, I don’t know why we were around the area. Possibly trying to find a place to get a cab.”

Ms McAvock responded: “You can’t explain why you were still there at 10.45?”

Murphy said: “We were just looking for a cab office.”

Ms McAvock said: “It was you who grabbed him by the jawline area, wasn’t it?”

Murphy replied “no”.

He said: “I didn’t touch his face, I didn’t touch him at all.”

Ms McAvock said: “I suggest your account and memory is unreliable.”

Murphy said: “My memory is fine. It was three years ago.”

When questioned on the account from the taxi driver about running to a nearby restaurant for help, Murphy said: “He had no reason to seek help.

“No one was kicking his car.”

Murphy also said that after being held in a police cell overnight he was subjected to “frustrating questions” the next day.

Ms McAvock pointed out he was not questioned until just after midday and he would have had time to recover from the alcohol.

Murphy replied: “When you’re lying in a cell there’s not much to do apart from trying to sleep.”

The trial continues.