A FURIOUS councillor has said he is “heartbroken” after art sculptures designed to raise money for terminally ill adults were vandalised. 

Two Hares About Town pieces have had to be repaired after being ripped from their plinths in Southend and mindlessly trashed.

One of the artworks, called Hare-cule and located at The Forum, was found smashed to the floor while Sunrise, near Metro bank, had to be re-attached.

The latest incident comes after two other sculptures were also vandalised in the town last Saturday evening, resulting in them having to be removed. 


Matt Dent, Southend councillor for the Kurssal ward, said: “I'm heartbroken and furious at yet more mindless vandalism of some of the Hares About Town.

“These hares have not only been a fantastic art project which has entertained whole families in Southend this summer but are a fundraising initiative for Havens Hospices. 

“I know that it is only a minuscule number of low-lives behind this, and I hope that anyone who knows anything about this vandalism will contact the police.”

The Hares About Town project was launched in aid of Havens Hospice and the sculptures form part of an art trail throughout the town.

All of the hares, including those which have been removed, will be available to view at the Farewell to the Hares events on September 24 and 24 at Garon Park.


They will then be auctioned off at a special event which is set to be held on September 28.

To find out more information about the events visit havenshospices.org.uk or to report any damaged hares contact the police or info@haresabouttown.co.uk.