TEENAGERS were caught “urinating in a homeless woman’s tent” before “screaming” abuse at her, sparking an investigation from school bosses.

Madi Freeman, from Southend, watched on in horror as the group harrassed the woman on Monday afternoon.

The teenagers are believed to be pupils from Shoebury High School, with school trust SECAT now investigating the incident.

The incident took place at roughly 3.10pm on Monday on the field at the junction of Maplin Way North and Bishopsteignton in Shoebury.

According to witnesses, the woman was forced to flee her tent to escape the group’s abuse.

Madi, 18, said: “My boyfriend and I were sat on the hills of the field chilling out when a group of four or five boys in their uniform came down the hill and were all joking around.

“They then circled the area where the woman has her tent, faced towards the tent and stood around there for a little bit.

“She came out to put some things in the bin and as soon as they spotted her and realised it was her tent they started shouting things like ‘oi love we’ve just p****d in your tent’ multiple times.

“They were then mocking her saying how ‘her tent stinks’.

“She looked so lost but stayed quiet and didn’t say or do anything back. They continued walking down the road and screaming and shouting at her.

“She ended up walking away from her tent and leaving going towards the library at the corner of the road to get away from the situation.

“She has now returned there, as I took some food for her Monday night.”

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Disgusted, Madi has since reported the incident to the school.

She added: “It was vile. I’d honestly just hope that they can realise how low it was to do what they did. I don’t know why you’d want to go out of your way to degrade somebody like that.

“They had deep voices so I’m saying they at the least were year 9 but I think maybe 10/11.”

A spokesman from SECAT, said: “I can confirm we were made aware of an allegation Monday evening.

“The school has been investigating this and is continuing to do so. An allegation such as this is taken very seriously and, if confirmed, this will be dealt with under the school’s disciplinary policy.

“We are unable to comment further whilst the investigation is continuing.”