Fashion retailer Next has announced it is launching its winter clothing with the help of top dance group Diversity. 

The group, which includes Billericay's Ashley Banjo, have put together their must have items for the winter season and helped launch the new range of clothing in time for the colder months ahead.

Many of the items available are said to be bright, bold and fun to reflect Diversity's positive message. 

Ashley said: " There is something incredibly cool about donning various pieces of the same shade - it just always makes me feel polished and put together.

"I would say the key element for all my looks is to just add a great beanie and chain - definitely my signature look.”

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A spokesman for Diversity added: "We love Next’s Autumn collection because it’s so versatile and easy to wear, you can layer pieces together and wear them in your own unique style.” 

You can view the new clothing range online at