A SCHOOL has been rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted in its first report since being taken over by an academy trust in 2017.

Maple Grove Primary School in Pitsea was given the rating following an inspection in September.

The school had previously been rated ‘Inadequate’ in 2011 and ‘Good’ in 2012 before being taken over by the Lion Academy Trust in 2017.

“For too long Maple Grove was not achieving the required standards - and this judgement is the validation of the huge progress and improvements that have been achieved and continue to be built on for local pupils and their families,” said Justin James, executive headteacher and CEO of the trust said.

Inspectors looked at every aspect of the school including safeguarding, teaching and learning and the breadth and depth of the wider curriculum offered, spending time with time with children, staff and trustees to evaluate how well the school was performing.

Daniel Lough, head of school, said: “We are delighted with the outcome and recognition that Maple Grove is now a securely ‘Good’ school. It is wonderful that the work and relentless focus on improving standards has been recognised in this way, despite all the challenges and pressures that Covid has presented.

“In my tenure as head of school, I have been privileged to work with a fantastic, loyal and hugely committed team and the pupils continue to demonstrate the behaviours and hunger for learning which sets us apart as a primary education provider.”

The Ofsted report singled out the trust-wide Lion Pathways Curriculum – a specially designed curriculum the trust says reduces teacher workload while helping provide tailored lessons for children.

Justin James added: “This new framework is tough - and evidencing how the school has progressed under the stewardship of the trust was a challenging but rewarding process. I am extremely proud of every member of the team at Maple Grove - who continue to work tirelessly to make this school the local primary school this community deserves.

We welcome the opportunity to share our experiences of the new framework with any primary school leadership team - including what core components of our pedagogy and school organisation directly supported this judgement.

“It all starts and ends with teachers doing what teachers do best - but with the right support and structures in place to make this work for every child in every lesson.”