FRAUDSTERS who intercepted post to steal parking permits and use them to avoid paying car parking charges have been hit with fines. 

The two residents, who stole and tampered with Southend Council parking permits will carry out 80 hours of unpaid work and pay combined costs of more than £700 after a counter fraud investigation. 

During the investigation, the team discovered the permits had originally been posted to an innocent third party, but the post had been intercepted and the permits altered to avoid parking charges. 

Two parking permits had been altered and were being displayed in two vehicles parked in Alexandra Street car park

Paul Collins, cabinet member for corporate services and performance delivery, said: “The outcome of this court case is justification for our actions and a win for the residents. 

“By tampering with the parking permits, the guilty parties tried to gain free parking in the town by knowingly stealing permits which were sent to an innocent resident.

“An annual season permit would cost in the region of £1,100. 

“All income raised through parking tickets and parking permits is reinvested back into our highways, so we must always seek to protect the public purse through appropriate investigations. 

“I am pleased the investigating officers found sufficient evidence to provide to the courts for them to reach this outcome.”

Christian Ifrim of Royal Mews, Southend, pleaded guilty at Southend Magistrates Court on December 1 to one count of fraud by false representation and one count under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act. 

Aliss Cristea, also of Royal Mews, admitted two counts of fraud by false representation. 

They each received a 12-month community order with 80 hours unpaid community work, costs £349.62 and victim surcharge £95.00.

Incidents can be reported to the counter fraud and investigation team on 01702 215215 or via email at