A COUPLE battling long Covid have been “robbed of everything and left permanently disabled” almost a year after first testing positive for the virus.

Southend residents Antony Loveless and partner Claire Hooper are still feeling the impact of Covid after first contracting the illness in January this year.

Both have been forced to give up their full-time jobs due to the lasting affects, and fear they have been left “permanently disabled”.

Mr Loveless, 54, was previously a war correspondent who would fly around the world but is now housebound.

He said: “I was a war correspondent; I had a go bag permanently packed and I would get a phone call and fly around the world at the drop of a hat and go and cover stories.

“Now our world has shrunk to two rooms, it has left me with depression, anxiety and permanent underlying health issues. It feels like it has robbed us of everything.

“Most of this year, Claire and I spent about seven months in bed, unable to leave the house as we didn’t have any energy at all.”

Echo: Antony Loveless - working in Afghanstan. Antony Loveless - working in Afghanstan.

The couple tested positive for Covid on January 4 after Antony came home from work feeling unwell.

The two weren’t hospitalised, however, he said there were nights where they were worried they wouldn’t wake up in the morning.

Antony has been diagnosed with Post Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Dysautonomia, and Neutropenia leaving him immune-compromised.

While Claire, who was a nurse at Southend Hospital, has several symptoms but is still waiting for a formal diagnosis.

Echo: Claire Hooper - before Long Covid working as a nurse.Claire Hooper - before Long Covid working as a nurse.

Both Antony and Claire have set up a website to raise awareness of long Covid and share information on how other suffers can get advice and support. For more information visit www.longcoviddiary.com. 

Antony believes there is nowhere near not enough support, care, or diagnosis for those suffering with after affects from long Covid.

He said: “Hundreds of other suffers have reached out to us on our website, people are being told by professionals they are overthinking it, their seems to be approach to Covid that either you die with it, or you get it.

“There is a complete blind spot to long Covid.”