A MARATHON marvel put Mind over matter when he ran 500km in 50 days to support a mental health charity.

Ricky Cooper, 33, from Benfleet, completed his running challenge when he crossed the line outside the Basildon Mind shop on Christmas Eve

Following the loss of his father to Covid in August, Ricky started the Herculean task in aid of mental health charity Mind after feeling he needed a challenge to support his own wellbeing.

He said: “I feel like I have achieved an amazing thing and I really pushed myself to the limit. There were good days and bad days but that was the point of the challenge - it wasn’t going to be easy.

“I feel relieved that I have completed it but also proud. It was also amazing to come round the final corner to see everyone turn out to support me, especially on Christmas Eve.”

Ricky began the challenge on November 5 andraised more than £3,500 for Basildon MIND.

He added: “I feel amazing that I managed to raise so much money for such an important charity.

“I find it also rewarding that the money will be spent on children getting counselling.

Cliff Bedford, counselling manager at Basildon Mind, joined Ricky as he crossed the finish line after helping him throughout the challenge.

“What Ricky has achieved is amazing - mentally, physically, and emotionally - as I know he had days where he struggled, but he just got on with it and smashed this challenge.

“He has raised awareness for Basildon Mind and our services along with raising a phenomenal amount of money that we will use to fund vital children’s counselling session, which is why Ricky wanted to do this.

“The support on the last leg was on another level, I lost count of how many people greeted us, and honked their horns too in support. It blew us away and I am so incredibly proud of him.”

To donate, visit justgiving.com/fundraising/ricky-cooper500