A DELIVERY driver allegedly shouted “I can’t stop, I’ve got parcels to deliver” after a near-miss with a teenage motorcyclist. 

Matteo Aylott, of Great Wakering, was riding his Honda 125cc motorcycle on Victor Gardens in Hockley when he narrowly avoided a crash with a delivery van. 

The 17-year-old Greensward Academy pupil was slowing down as he approached a when the DPD van pulled out, forcing him brake hard before falling to the floor in a heap with his bike, his family claimed.

His dad, Stefano, says the driver did not get out of his van to check on Matteo, instead allegedly shouting from his window: “Are you alright? I can’t stop, I’ve got parcels to deliver.”

DPD bosses have failed to respond to the Echo’s request for comment on the allegations. 

Stefano said: “The van left him no option, it was either crash into the van or hit the floor with his bike.”

Matteo, who has been riding motorcycles for nine months, was unhurt in the crash but his bike – a 17th birthday present – will need £300 worth of repairs.

Stefano added: “He was really shaken up; he’s only just started riding and was absolutely stunned by the driver’s actions.

“Being young it didn’t occur to him to take the registration plate number and it all happened so quickly the guy was gone before he could act.

“The fact he didn’t seem to care and just drove off, it’s not fair really is it.”

Stefano says he has pursued DPD to identify the driver but two weeks since the crash, on January 18, has had no response – despite bosses initially telling him they could track their delivery vehicles.

He added: “They say the driver hasn’t come forward, hasn’t reported it happening, and I feel like I’m getting stonewalled by them.

“I have offered to visit the Basildon warehouse with my son so that we can make some progress in identifying the driver, but DPD have stopped contact and we are still in limbo. 

“In the meantime, Matteo’s motorcycle remains damaged and the DPD van and driver’s identity remains a mystery.”

DPD has been contacted for comment.